Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Music And Movie Challenges: Day 1

Day 01-The best movie you saw during the last year.
Oh boy. So many good movies! Despicable Me and Tangled and Karate Kid… I’m going to have to say that I am going to keep this to the best movie I saw in theaters during the last year because I watched too many movies to pick. And by year I mean the last 365.25 days. So from 30th March 2010 to present (30th March 2011).
According to the ticket stubs I saw:
How to Train Your Dragon (x2)
Karate Kid
Despicable Me
The Last Airbender
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Toy Story 3
Step Up 3
Tangled (x2)
Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader
And I totally also saw Harry Potter 7 (Part 1). But I don’t know where the ticket stub for that one is. But that was one AWESOME movie experience. My best friend and I… We’re awesome. It was epic. Trust me.
Now. Going from that list... Best overall movie… Ugg. I can’t pick. Please don’t make me. How to Train Your Dragon was awesome! Karate Kid was GREAT!! Despicable Me was pretty sweet. And Tangled was FANTASTIC. Probably a tie between Karate Kid and Tangled. Yeah. Let’s go with that.

Day 01-Your favorite song
Ugg. I’m so bad at this favorites thing.
I’m VERY fond of Pretend (Reprise) by Lights. It HAS to be the reprise, though! I prefer the simplicity of just the piano and her voice to the tricked out, electronica version.
I also love Not Alone by Darren Criss.
Five Iron Frenzy is amazing. I love You Can’t Handle This and World Without End currently.
If by House Of Heroes.
The First Star by Eddplant.
Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars.
Learn To Do It (Waltz Reprise) from Anastasia.
Ok. I could go on and on. So. We’re going to go with Pretend (Reprise) by Lights. I’ve known it the longest and I still adore the song. It’s amazing.

Just know that with me, favorites are subject for change all the time. Usually there is a whole list of things that I like but at certain moments, I will prefer one over the other. Right now, Farewell by Yiruma is beautiful. And I don’t exactly want either of the FIF songs I mentioned.
I’m so change-y.
That’s it for today!

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